A. Cude withdrew his box from the "Beads of Courage" competition
because he was worried about the weight, but it just had to be seen. He
turned the frame and even had a carrying strap.

Johnson brought a lot of bowls/platters of walnut to show the beautiful
grain and to illustrate his finishing method for this type of bowl. Rough
turned five years ago he is now finishing them with multiple coats of Danish
oil, sanded to a slurry until the oil no longer absorbs in order to fill the
grain. Thoroughly dried between coats.

Promo - The large hollow form is of white ash with mahogany top and bottom.
The smaller two hollow forms of a beautifully spalted maple.

Weiermiller, visiting from Michigan, showed this white ash hollow form
free-hand carved with a pattern grinder, then stained (He used a 2% solution
of milk with red dye to produce the pink color.) and finally decorated with
lines of holes along the flutes of the lower part, filled with a
graphite/epoxy mixture.