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Anna Rachinsky armadillo boxAnna Rachinsky brought a miniature box decorated like an armadillo complete with tiny legs and feet.
Harold Dykes split sanding toolsHarold Dykes showed sanding pad holders made as split turnings.
Jim Whisnand open segment hollow formJim Whisnand brought a nice open segment hollow form

Kirk Bates walnut hollow formKirk Bates brought a weighty hollow form with natural edges
Paul Hewetts walnut and mesquite bowlsPaul Hewett brought a natural edge walnut and a mesquite bowl

Vern Hallmark mesquite and hackberry bowlsVern Halmark's mesquite and hackberry bowls

Roger Arnold boxelder, Mahogany "Bead" boxRoger Arnold brought a "Beads of courage" box of boxelder and Mahogany

James Johnson's box elder and cactus skeleton hollow formJames Johnson's hollow form of box elder and cactus skeleton was spectacular.

