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Morton showed five pieces, natural edged, burned edge and smooth, mapping
his progression with natural edges and burl. George
Taylor offered a mesquite/inlaced bowl and cherry platter Jerry
DeGroot showed a bowl with a couple of the 50 or so Christmas ornaments he
made Harold
Dykes showed this beautiful stave segmented box Bob
Franke had a tumbler, bowl and Surprising Box with little cups Rober
Felps brought a "Texas" Chinese pistache turned on centers and hollowed in
two parts.Uel Clanton ultra-thin bowls and tail flyswatter (ready for the
taxidermist to add the tail) JJames
Johnson offered a "shop vac" to end all shop vacs. and, a box elder/cactus
skeleton form with final laquer finish by LA Cude. Will
Aymond brought a box elder platter