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Dykes showed a vase of many hundred pieces he called "Joseph" as it has many
colors. He surprised his wife with a tiny (see the quarter) but equally
impressive alternative. Jerry
DeGroot showed this nice scalloped top cup of box elder. This
large vessel by James Johnson had a split, was cut in half and recombined as
a whole, but no longer round, unity. The shape is very interesting. These
two boxes made to give to the Beads of Courage program to children in cancer
treatment were made by L. A. Cude (maple and purpleheart) and Vern Hallmark
(dinosaur and butterfly inlays). Not all of our skill is in turning. Roger
Felps showed a chinaberry decorated vessel. Steve Promo's student Jim
Ruttledge showed s bowl in multi styles (basced on top, pyrography on
bottom) and Multiple colors.