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Aymond showed his maple pepper grinder and his maple clock, complete with
window to show the pendulum. Tom Canfield brought a Bradley pear set of
bowls large and tiny. As part of his demo on resin impregnated turnings,
Alan Trout of San Antonio showed his "Purple Haze" hollow form. Jerry
DeGroot showd a well formed mesquite bowl. Harold Dykes brought a segmented
bowl with diamond pieces incorporated into the structure to form a star
shaped area in the base echoed with star inserts at the top. Roger Felps
brought an inlayed walnut hollow form. George Taylor brought a mesquite
based display of numerous wine stoppers of wood and resin. He also had an
interesting colored bowl with well textured sides. Debbie and Jimmy Walker
brought a primative bowl turning that requited many hours and special
bracing because of its numerous voids. The end result was attractive and
well finished and nobody was injured.