(click on thumbnail to see larger picture - press back arrow
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Johnson was doing the demo and showed this double-dyed hollow form of box
elder. Kathy Hampton showed an angel made from a beautiful piece of box
elder. Roger
Farris had a couple of pieces, a well decorated hollow forms and, with
finish by L.A. Cude, an attractive bois d'arc bowl.
Tom Canfield got a nice sheet of ash intended for the center panel of a
cabinet door and turned it into a beautiful platter. He was able to reverse
the platter for finishing the bottom and still keep the center by using a
cleaver combination of a threaded plug for his live center that fits into a
spindle tapped faceplate. The other side of the faceplate was covered in
double-sided tape and pressed against the finished face of the piece.
Tom's other piece was a redbud hollow form, double ended and with a third,
smaller hole embellished with a tiny bit of turquoise inlace.