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George Taylor gave the demonstration of painting and texturing pieces, and
here are a few of his samples. The first group contains a piece that he got
from David Agar was made by David to demo some of his techniques.
James Hampton showed an striking spalted Pecan platter and a Box Elder Bowl.
Jerry DeGroot brought two glass studded boxes for donation to the "Beads of
Courage" program.
Linda Arnold showed a well turned Mesquite lighthouse. Husband Roger a Box
Elder Bowl. Rich Grable showed his homemade grinding jig.
Anna Rachinsky showed a box with a modified "onion" shape lid. Larry Walton
showed a Hackberry bowl transformed by Ambrosia Beatles (like the ones that
attack maple) that produced the same effect. Tom Canfield brought a
Chinaberry platter showing the crotch feathering quite well.