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James Hampton showed an acrylic bottle stopper and a twice turned wine glass
James Johnson had two of his turned hats to show what he will do at the
Texas Arts and Crafts Fair. He also showed a turned and carved Siberian Elm
piece and two very large and colorful Box Elder bowls.
Jerry DeGroot brought three different hued pieces from same log. Note the
scalloping of the edge for two of the pieces.
Jimmy Wier showed a spalted Pecan platter. Kathy Hampton brought
experimental beads separated by the act of drilling.
Paul Hewett volunteers at the Numitz museum in Fredericksburg. He was asked
to make a replacement for the warhead on the naval "Shell" trophy for their
golf classic. The original warhead (deactivated) was 29 pounds and made the
trophy unstable and dangerous. Paul was able to fashion one out of Mahogany
which will be painted black and will be a safe and attractive addition.