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Andy Chen, our demonstrator, brought a Southwestern style Corian Vase, an
Ash and Corian Vessel and two ash hollow forms.
Harold Dykes showed a stave segmented that he was testing a new hollowing
tool on. Tom Canfield brought a pair of bowls of Bradford Pear and Ash and
also a beautifully feathered crotch bowl. Jerre
Williams brought four boxes, an Olive wood box with ebonized finial, two
mushroom shaped boxes in Mesquite and Cherry Lauryl with medallions of
Bocote and Poplar, and a Cherry Lauryl box with a medallion of Bocote with
excetric arcs inlaced with coral.
Dale Lemons and Bob Franke wanted to show the results of terrible catches.
Dale's hollow form was close to finishing when a mighty catch scattered it
around the shop. He glued it together, what he could find of it, and brought
it to us to see. Bob's tiny scooop was what he made of the wood he had left
after a catch destroyed a bowl and broke his gouge. Even good turners have
bad days.