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Larry Walton showed an attractive Mulberry bowl within a great natural edged
piece. Sue Bates brought a Box Elder bowl and a marble holder that took a
lot of marbles to do well. Sue's husband Kirk showed a mesquite bowl with a
smidge of turquoise. Darrryl Korman also used turquoise in his Walnut bowl.
Tom Canfield brought three bowls. First is a Huisache bowl that looks a bit
like Mesquite but he says is about 3/4 the density. The other two are
natural edged Mesquite and Mistletoe burl and, on a timely suggestion by
Roger Felps, are endgrain bowls. Roger Felps brought a Pecan, Western style
vase with burned decoration. Uel brought a Cocobolo fly-swisher donated by a
passing Wildebeest.
Harold Dykes showed us a beautiful bowl of Yellow Heart, Mesquite, Liptus,
Maple, and Ipe. The orientation of the Liptus was end-grain rather than
with- the-grain like most segmented bowls. James Hampton brought a natural
edged bowl with a tall foot of Cherry from a friend in Missouri. Dale Lemons
showed us a really red and super punky Box Elder bowl. Ken Morton made a
wand of Bacote to finally admit to his friends at work that his computers
are really worked by magic. They were calling him "Magic Morton" so the wand
has "MM" carved in the handle. It could be "Wonder Wizard" if you looked at
it upside down.
Jerry DeGroot showed us an Arizona Ash bowl with a natural edge and two
smaller bowls of differing style. He also brought a Christmas Ornament.