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Uel Clanton brought a Padauk jewelry holder with Cocobolo center. Tom
Canfield showed a square bowl of Pecan with a hole, the first thing off his
new Nova Comet II midi lathe. Roger Felps showed two item, a Mesquite bowl
with peg ornament and a vase of non bearing Mulberry wood with great
George Taylor brought a Mesquite bowl with natural holes. Jerry DeGroot
brought a natural edged Mesquite bowl. Tom Ridout brought a bowl of Ceder of
Lebanon wood, a rare chance to see the wood. Lewis Dodd showed us a bowl of
Mesquite that he bought with pain and trouble when the tree fell on him and
pinned him to the ground till an alert neighbor helped him to get free. Nice
bowl, but only Lewis can judge whether it was worth the effort.
Last, but a long way from least, Dan Pfeiffer showe a trio of lidded boxes
from a series he is working on titled "Tree of Life". The boxes are of
Walnut, Maple and Monsano decorated with milk paint, crystal and natural