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Dan Pfeiffer brought two peices, but I missed one in the rush of the
meeting. Here is one of Dan's "Tree of Life", a mixed media turning. Kathy
Hampton brought a votive candle holder in spalted Pecan, with Jute macrame
and bead embellishment. Tommy Jeffers brought a non-turned
cube-within-a-cube item made with a drill press and forstner bit. Also in
the non-turned items came a heavy bowl carved out of an Oak burl by James
Johnson and not quite finished. He never works with Oak but the burl was too
good to pass up. George Taylor brought a natural edged bowl of Osage Orange.
It will, of course, turn brown but this process can be slowed by UV blockers
and dyes.
Tom Canfield brought a couple of wormy Mesquite bowls and an example of a
dilly of a catch in a China Berry piece that caught, ripped off a section of
the tenon and flew across the shop. Big oops. Anna Rachinsky showed an
example of how much Cherry Laurel shrinks (it holds a lot of water). A
happier ending was revealed in her undistorted spalted Pecan box with an
Arizona Ash top.
Uel Clanton showed a tea light of well colored Box Elder. Roger Farris
brought a pot of Box Elder of a different color. He didn't like the
color but his wife did. Dale Lemons brought some small Big-Leaf Maple peices
and a Box Elder plate that turned out to have coloring very much like a
sunset scene.
Vern Hallmark showed a bowl of Cedar Elm from a piece given to him by the
people at Bayou Bend in Houston (Ima Hoggs historical home). I am sorry I
missed the picture and apologize to both Vern and Dan.