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Kirk and Sue Bates presented a pair of mesquite bowls with Turquoise inlay,
one displayed with antlers and the other with a square portion. Ken Morton
showed a Spalted Hackberry bowl (won at the rafffle) that was intended for
his veternarian, but intercepted by his wife. Roger Felps showed an old bowl
that he particularly likes and was featured in the AAW magazine. Uel Clanton
showed an Ipe tool handle. Paul Hewitt brought a pair of jar lids of Corian
and a walnut salt grinder with a corian button to help identify it as salt.
Rich Grable showed a pair of paper towel holders with a cleaver holding bar.
George Taylor showed a Cedar plate and a natural edged mesquite bowl. Tom
Canfield showed a pentagonal crotch bowl of Memosa and a Box Elder bowl with
limited red color that was highlighted by making the bowl end grain. Jerry
DeGroot showed an interesting Box elder plank with a limited area of red
color apparently started by a Copper jacketed rifle bullet shown in the
cross section.
Visotor Jerry Maskill showed a maple ring-bowl along with a salt cedar bowl
that started as a natural edge and, when the bark fell off was textured for
interest and became an "unnatural edge" bowl