Uel Clanton brought three different sizes of tool handle, all mesquite.
Harold Dykes brought segmented pieces made from ColorPly, the smaller made
from cutoffs of the bigger piece; the shape determines the color design; the
color ply started out a 3x3x12. Tom Canfield showed a mimosa natural edged
James Johnson brought Diatoms #3, 4 and 5 (#1 was last month’s show and
tell, #2 didn’t work out), and collaboration with Anna yielded #6 and 7 in a
pair of earrings; turning them and putting them together is tricky, the end
pieces shrink more than the sleeves, sometimes you have to steam the ends to
get them into a workable shape; there is a steep learning curve on these!
Anna Rachinsky showed an ash and Indian rosewood hair holder with genuine
stones, one of which was given to her at SWAT 2 years ago by LA Cude’s
brother-in-law. She also had a lidded box embellished with wood burned ants
and trail. And two lidded spalted hackberry boxes, one embellished with a
cat catching snails and the other with a cat and dragonflies.