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First from Roger Felps is an urn for a pet with Corian collar and finial.
Here also is a unique piece that could be turned either way. Roger's wife
would turn what Roger thought was upside down and put a candle in it. Roger
turned a Mesquite burl and thought the scrap was too small to use so Will
Aymond turned an equally stunning piece. George Taylor brought four pieces,
all inlay experements. Tom Whiting turned wood - into a pun "Mesquite-toes".
Sue Bates experemented with a pendant jig bought at SWAT and showed two plywood
test pieces.
Tom Canfield showed a box of Cedar with a Wax finish. His Pine bowl had
handles by cutting away a broad rim with a bandsaw. He showed a Mesquite
bowl in progress, pending inlay. Kathy Roberts showed two Sycamore bowls.
Phillip Medghalchi showed some of the finished bowls he had previously
showed in progress. He had a Walnut bowl with one of Bradford Pear and a set
of three in Memosa, Pecan crotch and Black Sycamore. He had trouble with the
last one because the high sylica content of the wood dulled the tools. Kirk
Bates, the demonstrator for the day showed two Oak wands.
Ken Morton showed a natural edged vase and box of Madrone burl. He also
showe a test pendant made by a new jig he got at SWAT (see Sue Bates,
above). He had a Chinaberry bowl and finally a Mesquite tealight with a
natural edge that was very difficult to turn in such an unusual shape.