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Jerry DeGroot showed a box elder platter. Vern Hallmark brought a Soapberry
plate. It is the first time he has turned that wood and the first time such
a turning has been shown to this crowd. Darryl Korman showed us a possible
way of reducing cracks and distortions on green turned bowls. There was some
scoffing, but we will see whether Darryl gets the last laugh. Roger Felps
brought a vase with much pyrographic embellishment.
Uel Clanton brought finished tailswatters with Wildebeast and Zebra tails
and some inlay work on the handles. Tom Canfield showed an ash bowl with
beautiful depth of color and a spalted Pecan crotch piece. Kathy Hampton
turned a votive candle holder into an art piece with a base and also showed
a snowman.
James Johnson sadly informed us that the colorful Box Elder bowl he brought
had a fatally punky interior. Philip Medghalchi showed us two Bradford Pear
bowls, one with a Mahony Oil finish he thought too dark and the other with a
lacquer finish. James Hampton showed a "beer" drinking bowl inspired by
Jimmy Clews and two end-grain Mesquite vases. Jimmy Tolly, our presenter's
twin brother, brought a Box Elder platter of great grain.