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Uel Clanton is using a new format for his oil candles and brought one that
is at least in the running for the wormiest piece of Mesquite. Dale Lemons
took a stunning piece of Big Leaf Maple burl and made a winged piece and a
bowl to show us. Will Aymond showed a lovely bowl with a stand base of
Pernumbuco a super expensive and rare and soon-to-be (possibly) outlawed for
many uses. We were glad for this use. Roger Arnold tussled with a Memosa
bowl and finally after a hard fight with the grain.
James Johnson presented a box of Siberian Elm and Ebony inspired by Cindy
Crazda. He claimed that she had nothing to fear from him. Ken Morton showed
a natural edged something of Big Leaf Maple. Vern Hallmark brought a train
piggy bank of Walnt and Maple that is some prototype. Jerry DeGroot brought
a Mesquite "bowl" that was all that was left after subduing a piece of trash
Mesquite. Tom Canfield, in a sense, finished his demo of last meeting witha
vase with a three axis off-center twist.