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  Ken Morton ornamental cherry   Ken Morton mesquite, cocobolo and copper inlay        Roger Felps Mesquite urn (cookie jar?)Ken Morton showed a natural edge bowl of Ornamental Cherry.  He has a new finish, Formby's Tung Oil.  He also brought a pair of finial boxes one an endgrain box, Mexquite, Cocobolo and a copper inlay.  The other was a Big Leaf Maple with a Texas Blackwood finial.  Jerry DeGroot brought a flyswatter that he claims is highly functional with a leather swatter.  Roger Felps showed a large Mesqite urn/cookie jar.

 Uel Clanto, old John Roberts carved top box     Geo Taylor, Ash Salad Bowl Geo Taylor box elder bowl   Paul Taylor dogwood bowls  Uel Clanton showed us the work of a former HCT member, John Roberts.  John had made a serviceable Mesquite enclosed vessel and his wife had used a scroll saw to form the pierced design on the lid.  George Taylor brought an Ash Bowl from an already roughed out stock with one coat of oil. His Box Elder bowl had a great distribuion of color and grain.  Paul Taylor brought a nice pair of Dogwood bowls, but he was unhappy with the cloudy CA finish and was looking for hints.

  Dale Lemons maple, cherry and turquoise  Tom Canfield Maple yarn bowl  Tom Canfield Chinaberry &Huisache nat. edged bowls  Will Aymond Silver and Meaquite cane    DHarold Dykes mostly Mulberry vaseale Lemons had a box of Maple, Cherry and Turquoise that had a picture inside of Dale in Korea in 1952 to show what 62 years does to a body.  Tom Canfield had a Maple bowl with a hole and rather than plugging up the ole he declared it a yarn bowl.  He also showed a Chinaberry and Huisache natural edged bowls.  Will Aymond showed us a Mesquite and sterling silver cane that he made from a parasol.  At the request of the customer he died the Mesquite black.  Harold Dykes brought a vase made mostly from Mulberry.