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    BofC_L_A_Cude_Winner  BofC_Jimmy_Wier  BofC_Roger_Arnold   BofC_Darrell_Korman    BofC_Will_Aymond     BofC_Tom_Canfield
   L.A. Cude       Jimmy Weir   Roger Arnold  Darrell Korman Will Aymond   Tom Canfield
BofC_Vern_Hallmark     BofC_Roger_Felps   BofC_Uel_Clanton_friend  BofC_Jerre_Williams BEADS OF COURAGE BOXES
Vern Hallmark  Roger Felps    Uel Clanton     Jerre Williams

Gru_Eaten_Finished_bowl_Joe_Johnson  George_Taylor_Walnut_bowl 


This was short due to the BofC group. Joe Johnson brought an old crotch bowl that he had stored because he noted that there was lots of wood dust in the box. A beatle larva was still in the wood eating and somehow, had eaten much of the bowl area without going through the finish. George Taylor showed us a walnut bowl that he completed using a commercial rough-out source.