Roger Felps brought a bowl of Ginko, and said it was hard to turn and that
he doesn’t recommend turning with it. “Just look the other way” he said. It
still came out attractive with a bit of texturing on the top rim. George
Taylor showed a quarter sawn White Oak bowl that he said creates a lot of
dust when turning. Vern Hallmark showed a Pecan bowl. Finally he got
something round to show! Tom Canfield bought a “Frugal” vacuum system at
SWAT and decided to make a couple of adapters instead of buying them.
Anna Rachinsky showed several boxes that started from Steve Promo’s birdhouses using the birdhouse lids as lids for little boxes. James Hampton, in honor of Jamie Donaldson, showed a vessel that started as a square taper with a square top, body and base and a dandy finish. Will Aymond showed a wonderful work in memory of Nick Huntley that speaks to all of us, the framed result of “One Last Pass”. He also showed a vase of California Redwood that “tears like crazy”. Finally James Johnson revealed a nest of rough-out bowls derived from a log of box elder.