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    George Taylor Oak Burl bowl Darrell Korman Mesquite pumpkin Vern Hallmark Walnut and Cherry stool Harold Dykes Mimosa unsegmented bowl Tom Canfield repaired vintage lamp Jerry DeGroot Mesquite and Box elder hollow form

George Taylor showed an Oak burl bowl, his first burl attempt. Darrell Korman brought a mesquite pumpkin for Thanksgiving. Vern Hallmark showed a three legged Walnut and Cherry stool to replace the 1 legged stool that kept falling over when he got up and was very uncomfortable upside down. Harold Dykes showed a one piece segmented platter of Mimosa and he turned the pith out of it. (By the way, that is the 10,217th time that old joke has been resurrected.) Tom Canfield fixed an old segmented lamp done by his grandfather in the ‘ 60’s or 70’s by skillfully replacing some of the old pieces. Jerry DeGroot could not be found, but some old bearded gentleman told us that Jerry did his Box Elder and Mesquite hollow form as a “prover” piece to prove that he was not an artist.

Raul Pena Mesquite "hatching" eggs Bob Caraway 3 legged Walnut, Oak and Padauk stool Phillip Medghalchi Mesquite bowl with strange grain Roger Arnold segmented Myrtle bowl Raul Pena nautilus


Raúl Peña made us a couple of eggs, one that had already hatched.

Bob Caraway, visiting from the Panhandle Turners showed us a three legged stool of Walnut, Oak and Padauk. Phil Medghalchi showed us a Mesquite bowl with an interesting crack structure. Roger Arnold took the “Harold Dykes” segmented prize for his Myrtle bowl. Finally Raúl Peña showed his many nautulus images and this is one of them.