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    There was a display of the products of the recent Jimmy Clewes workshops on hand by our members. It turned out to be a great show and tell evening. I have selected a couple of pieces, not necessarily the best, but it was a hectic evening with so much work shown it got to be hard to see who did the work. First, the Jimmy Clewes products.

A. few from this bunch: Wendell White showed that he isn’t just a pretty face of Corian, but a skilled selector and hewer of wood with his demo bowl that Jimmy C. called “Google Earth” for the rim effect. Tom Canfield showed us a nice turn of the block with his box elder three cornered box. Unnamed did a great square-square bowl with nicely dressed top and well done “gilding” of the center. Output from Jimmy Clewes workshop  Wendell White "Google Earth"  Tom Canfield 3 sided box  Jimmy Clewes demo piece


The “Ordinary” show-and-tell stuff included Ken Morton’s orange agate box with nicely chased threads. Ken also got a second billing for his finishing (finally) his wife’s four Box Elder bowls that James Johnson cored and turned from a single smashing block. James Johnson brought a great lacquered and dyed ash bowl.

Rick Webster showed an Osage orange bowl with a giant gap in the side. It looked like a natural yarn bowl. Tom Whiting brought a crotch hollow form of mesquite and turquoise. George Taylor Showed a great sapele bowl with a faux marble painted rim. The “Ordinary” show-and-tell stuff included Ken Morton’s orange agate box with nicely chased threads. Ken also got a second billing for his finishing (finally) his wife’s four Box Elder bowls that James Johnson cored and turned from a single smashing block. James Johnson brought a great lacquered and dyed ash bowl.Rick Webster showed an Osage orange bowl with a giant gap in the side. It looked like a natural yarn bowl. Tom Whiting brought a crotch hollow form of mesquite and turquoise. George Taylor Showed a great sapele bowl with a faux marble painted rim.

Ken Morton Osage orange agate box, threaded Ken Morton bowls from a single James Johnson log of box elder James Johnson dyed ash bowl Rick Webster Osage orange bowl  Tom Whiting crotch hollow form, mesquite and faux turquoise  George Taylor sapele bowl with painted "marble" rim

Jerry DeGroot brought two square bowls with scalloped rims and that stable look of massive sloping base. Tom Canfield showed a nice 2 axis turned box of box of sycamore with a walnut finial.

Jerry DeGroot square scalloped bowls.  Tom Canfield 2 axis turned sycamore and walnut box.