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Club Challenge: The club challenge was to take a given size of wood and make-up something that was unusual. The winners were, 1st Place, Roger Arnold with a clever double-decker leaf and flower arrangement pyrographed around a central hole of a size to suit an electric candle. 2nd Place was to Ken Morton who made several micro-pieces, including a little “Jimmy Clewes” bowl, a double square box, a tiny bowl, toothpick holders (including toothpicks he made). 3rd Place was to Anna Rachinsky, who made an exquisite double box of three pieces.

   Roger Arnold 1st place April Club challenge Ken Morton 2nd, April Club Challenge  Anna Rachinsky 3rd, April Club Challenge

Show and Tell: Our youngest member, Trenton Green, showed a bowl that he turned with the help of James Johnson and L. A. Cude that earned him first prize in a recent contest. He also showed several pictures that also won awards in the same contest. He has a good chance to go to Austria. The hat was passed and it brought him $305 toward a goal of $750 to raise for the trip. Tom Canfield showed one of his pine board practice pieces from a 2x8. He tried pyrography on some of it and wasn’t happy, but the overall shape, with the bowl rising above the central platter, was his reason for bringing it. Wendell white showed three very nice platters he finished with the influence of Jimmy Clewes as well as a set of kitchen implements in acrylic, with celtic knots, for his daughter.

Trenton Green box elde bowl Tom Canfield pine study bowl Wendell White 3 bowls for dying... Wendell White utensels of acrylic

James Johnson showed a great decorative tier with three hollow, red dyed box elder with finial and separating pieces of African blackwood. Philip Medghlchi showed two bowls. One was a three footed bowl of mesquite and the other a bowl of  highly beatle distressed wood. Jerre Williams brought a bowl of sycamore turned by Chuck Felton and finished and dyed by Jerre. Harold Dykes brought a star bottomed segmented piece of fine work.

James Johnson, box elder and blackwood  Philip Medghalchi 2 bowls Jerre Williams Chuck Felton dyed bowl Harold Dykes, segmented bowl