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Show and Tell: James Johnson, as previously mentioned, brought a copy of an “Easter Island” totem that he carved out of American elm many years ago and coated it daily and liberally with linseed oil when he came home from work. You can see the picture in the second group of pictures in the demo, above. He also showed the various parts of a scepter he is building as practice for a contract he is going to do with Schreiner’s Univ. (When and IF they get it designed) I think he is going to give the scepter to SWAT as a sheeny-shiny ornament for raffle ticket sellers. The pieces can be put together several ways before they are glued and that is the next step. Tom Canfield brought a pine “study” piece to preview a project of a friend who wants table legs carved from pecan wood posts that he has prepared. Tom also showed a nice memosa bowl.

 James Johnson carved Easter Island totem, elm James Johnspn scepter parts Tom Canfield pine study for table leg of pecan Tom Canfield memosa bowl